Murray Plumb & Murray is pleased to congratulate Stacey D. Neumann, Esq. on Senate Confirmation of her Gubernatorial nomination for appointment to the Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices.
The Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices is an independent state agency that administers Maine’s campaign finance laws, the Maine Clean Election Act, and the lobbyist disclosure law. It also issues advisory opinions and conducts investigations regarding legislative ethics.
The Commission consists of five members jointly appointed by the Governor and Legislative Leaders for three-year terms. The Commission is bipartisan, and no more than two members may be enrolled in the same political party.
“It’s an honor to be nominated and confirmed to this position, and I look forward to serving alongside the other Commission members to ensure our election laws are followed and our legislators continue to operate at the highest standards,” said Neumann. “I look forward to serving the people of Maine in this capacity.”
Stacey Neumann is a Partner at Murray Plumb & Murray and Chair of the firm’s Criminal/White Collar Defense and Employment Practice Groups. She focuses on white-collar and other criminal defense, employment law, civil rights, and the collegiate disciplinary process, including Title IX investigations. Neumann’s practice covers federal and state courts and her background brings the unique perspective of understanding the legal process from opposing sides.
Before joining Murray Plumb & Murray, Neumann served as a federal prosecutor in the District of Maine, and prior to that was a public defender in Vermont. She is also a member of the Criminal Justice Act Panel Committee for the District of Maine. Neumann serves on the Board of the Maine Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and the Board of Governors of the Maine State Bar Association. She is a resident of Scarborough.
About the Ethics Commission
The Maine Commission on Governmental and Election Practices, an independent State agency, guards against corruption and undue influence of the election process by state, county, and certain municipal elected officials by adopting procedures, rules, and regulations to conduct its duties promptly, fairly, and efficiently. Five Commission members, appointed for their probity, judgment, and objectivity by the Governor and confirmed by the Legislature, conduct ethics seminars, investigate and advise on apparent violations of ethical standards; administer the lobbying disclosure laws; administer and investigate violations of the campaign finance reporting laws and the Maine Clean Election Act; and manage the Maine Clean Election Fund. Commission meetings and hearings are public.
About Murray Plumb & Murray
Maine law firm Murray Plumb & Murray has been helping individuals, entrepreneurs, and businesses successfully navigate legal issues since 1973. Attorneys at this mid-sized firm are known as relentless client advocates who go beyond winning to help shape the law they practice and better the community they serve. The firm’s practice areas include: Business & Corporate; Business Reorganization; Construction; Criminal Defense; Education; Employment; Environmental and Land Use; Estate and Tax Planning, Probate and Trust Administration; Family Law; Intellectual Property, Media, and Technology; Litigation and Trial; Public Utilities, and Real Estate and Finance. More information available at